Life Coaching/Counselling
If you like to work with us we will begin with a 2-3 hours session elaborating your vision, goals and values together.

That is the fundament for weekly follow-up meetings (30 to 60 min) either eye to eye or on Zoom.
The duration of the counselling process is dependend on your needs: some topics or challenges can be solved in 1 or 2 sessions, some need more time. 
Executive Coaching
YouInFocusCoaching offers you customized solutions tailored to your company's needs.
We are looking forward to working with you and are very confident that you will receive and experience beneficial results.
If you feel at any time that you haven't received excellent value, we shall gladly refund that month's fee.
Tax Deductible
Coaching services are tax deductible for most clients who are self-employed. Expenses to maintain and improve your business and professional skills are usually tax deductible.